The Institute follows the academic calendar as laid down by the University. However, the Institute may modify the academic calendar for effective management of the teaching-learning process and for balancing the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The academic calendar shall be notified to the students through the notice board.
The time-table/schedule of classes and all other activities shall be approved by the Academic Council. The approved time table shall be notified by the principal in the general notice board and conveyed to concerned faculty members. Students are expected to be present five minutes before the commencement of the activity, wherever they are required to be present.
A student shall be required to have a minimum attendance of 75% in the aggregate of all the courses taken together in an academic semester and 70% attendance in each course. The Principal may condone attendance shortage up to 10% for an individual student for reasons to be recorded. However, under no condition, a student who has an aggregate attendance of less than 65% in an Academic semester shall be allowed to appear in the semester-end examination.
A mid-semester attendance status for short-attendance students will be notified by the Principal to warn the students to make up the shortage of attendance. A student who has been detained due to shortage of attendance shall not be allowed to be promoted to the next Academic year and he/she will be required to take re-admission and repeat all courses of the said academic year with the next batch of students. The University Enrollment number of such student shall however remain unchanged and he or she shall be required to complete the programme in a maximum permissible period.
The Principal shall announce the names of all such students who are not eligible to appear in the semester-end examination, at least five calendar days before the start of the examination and simultaneously intimate the same to the Controller of Examinations.
In case any student appears by default, who in fact has been detained by the Institute, his/her result shall be treated as null and void.
Wherever Summer Training, Industrial Tour and Project Study or General Proficiency papers have been prescribed in the syllabi of the programme(s) or adopted by the Institution for improved academic performance, the detailed guidelines, schedules, marking scheme, and name of the guides shall be provided through the Academic Circulars issued by the Principal. Students are required to adhere to these guidelines strictly.
In the semester-end examinations, students shall be examined in the course papers prescribed for the specified semester as given in the respective syllabi. Semester-end examinations shall be conducted by the University at the specified examination centers, notified by the University. The examinations shall be conducted as per the prescribed schedule notified by the University. For appearing in the semester-end examination, students are to apply on a prescribed form through the Institute. The University shall issue admit cards. Students must possess the admit card for appearing in each paper.
Sessional, Mid-term examinations shall be conducted at the Institute with prior notification as per prescribed guidelines by the respective university. Class tests may be conducted by the respective class-teacher and will be notified in the class-wise notice board or may be conveyed to the respective class representatives. Adherence to these examinations by the students is highly expected.
Specific scheme of marks for each paper and pattern of question paper is given in the detailed syllabi issued by the University.
The continuous evaluation shall be conducted as per the schedule notified by the Institute. Students abstaining from any test/activity related to the continuous evaluation shall be awarded zero marks in that test/activity.
The students must maintain honesty and integrity in classrooms, examinations, home assignments, and all other aspects of academic work. Resorting to copying or helping to copy in any shape or form in examinations or quizzes or home assignments or other elements of evaluation and/or reproducing passages from written work of others, without necessary acknowledgment and/or passing or receiving papers in connection with any academic work to be evaluated and/or canvassing for grades is strictly prohibited.
Rules governing the conduct of students in examinations are given on the admit card issued by the University and the answer sheet. Students are required to adhere to these rules scrupulously. Unless specified by the faculty, students must not collaborate in any way in their home assignments. The assignment should be the independent work of each student. Students are advised, in their own interest, not to communicate their written analyses or answers in home assignments to any other students. In all cases, students are to ensure timely submission of academic work.
Faculties are free to adopt suitable measures to penalize students for breaches of academic discipline. Any such violations and measures taken by the faculty shall be reported to the Head of the Institute.
The invigilators in the examination hall may expel a student if found adopting any “Unfair Means” in the examination. All cases regarding reported use of unfair means in the internal examinations shall be placed before the ‘Students Affairs and Disciplinary Committee’ for investigation and recommending penalties, if any, to the Principal. In case of semester-end examinations, students found using unfair means are to appear in person before the respective committee of the University.
If students have any representation/complaint regarding internal examinations, a written representation is to be submitted to the ‘Coordinator of Examination’ within seven days after completion of the examination or three days after notification of marks. The Coordinator of Examination shall examine the students’ representation along with other members of the “Examination Committee” and submit its recommendations to the Principal. The Principal shall take appropriate decisions on the recommendations of the ‘Examination Committee’.
In case of end-semester examination(s), the written representation/complaint is to be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations through the Principal (along with his/her specific recommendations) within seven days after completion of the examination or three days after notification of results. Such representations shall be considered by the ‘Appropriate Committee’ of the University for appropriate decisions.
A student shall be eligible for the award of a degree subject to: he/she has undergone the course of studies, completed the project report/training report specified in the curriculum of his/her programme within the stipulated time, and secured the minimum credits prescribed for award of the Degree; there are no dues outstanding in his/her name to the Institute/University; and no disciplinary action is pending against him/her.
The Institute attaches great importance to integrity, honesty, and discipline in all spheres of activity by the students. A sense of responsibility and a high degree of maturity is expected from all the students inside and outside the campus befitting the conduct of professionals. All students are to maintain good conduct and behavior during their stay in the Institute. In this respect, acts of indiscipline and penalties have been laid down in the succeeding paragraphs. All students must read and understand the same.
Following activities of the students shall be deemed as an act of indiscipline:
Following penalties are prescribed for committing any act of indiscipline defined above:
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the premises of the Institute or in any part of the Institute (such as hostel, canteen etc.) as well as on public transport or at any other place, public or private. Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging shall constitute as an act of gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with under the provisions as laid down in AICTE regulations issued for curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions, or any other law prescribed for the purpose of ragging, which includes police action. Each student and his/her parents are required to read and understand the provisions of these regulations.
For using the library facilities, students are to adhere to the following rules:
The Institute is facilitated with two computer centers, one each for Undergraduate and postgraduate students:
To support the information needs of students and parents, the Institute has created an informative website with URL as From this website, students may obtain necessary information for their academic benefit. The syllabus of various programmes, Lesson Plans, previous years' question papers, question bank for various subjects, study material, guidelines for conducting summer training, project reports, dissertation, etc. are available on the Knowledge portal in Digital Library facility of CIPT as well as CIPT-Library webpage. Besides the above, this Rule Book and various procedures and notices are also made available to students on the knowledge Portal.
At the time of admission, each student is assigned a ‘Mentor’. The mentor is the academic guardian for the student. Students are free to discuss their difficulties, problems, and grievances with their respective ‘Mentor’ for advice and suggestions.
There is a ‘First Aid and Health Center’ inside the campus. Students can receive free healthcare services from this center on working days.
To develop leadership qualities among the students, to make them responsible citizens, and to provide a mechanism for presenting their perspective in a peaceful and responsible manner, a system of “Class Representative” is in place. Each class shall elect two “Class Representatives” one boy and one girl. The tenure of “Class Representative” shall be one academic year. In case no student comes forward to be the Class Representative, the Principal on the advice of Class Mentor shall nominate the Class Representative(s).
The Institute, during the conduct of semesters, carries out many co-curricular and extracurricular activities. It is mandatory for all the students to participate in these activities and be present. Failure to do so shall be treated as an act of indiscipline & be dealt with accordingly. Such non-participation shall also be taken into consideration for Continuous Evaluation purposes.
In order to keep the parents updated with the progress of their wards, letters are sent to their address informing academic performances and general conduct of the student at regular intervals. Parents are requested to use this opportunity to share their views and suggestions with the Institute. In specific cases, the Institute may call the parents to appraise them about the problems related to their wards. Parents are requested to appreciate that education and all-round personality development of their wards, at this highly impressionable age, is of utmost importance and needs continuous monitoring and exchange of views with the faculty entrusted with these responsibilities. Parents are requested to kindly cooperate in this joint endeavor.
Besides, parents are welcome to meet the Principal or Individual faculty members on any working day, after obtaining a prior appointment over the phone.
The Institute has an active alumni association. The aim of this Association is to promote ex-students networking, guiding the present students, and providing feedback and support to the institute for desired improvement in the curriculum. The “CIPT Alumni Association” holds its annual meeting once every year as notified on the Institute’s website. The membership of the Association is compulsory for all students on payment of Life Membership Fee of Rs 1000/-.
Each student shall be issued an identity card by the Institute. Students are to always wear the identity card around their neck while they are on campus and in the classroom. This I-card shall also act as a Library Card for the issue of books. They should surrender this card at the time of leaving the Institute.
CIPT is conducting professional courses, wherein the students are expected to acquire academic excellence and attitudinal training to follow norms of the organizations where they are finally placed. This in turn requires a professional bent of mind along with decent dressing sense. Keeping this in view, the students at this Institute are to strictly adhere to the following dress code:
In winter, the above dress may be coupled with a dark grey Blazer or sweater and tie. Students are also advised to wear protective apron, mask, gloves, and headgear in the laboratory (as and when procured from the listed vendors only).
All information in respect of the conduct of a programme shall be conveyed through Notice Boards. All important notices shall also be placed on the “Notices” link of the Institute’s website Information conveyed through the Notice Boards/Website of Institute shall deem to have been conveyed to all students. Students in their own interest must follow the Notice Board/website of Institute on a daily basis.
Students having any grievance in respect of admissions, fees, academics, etc. are to submit their grievances in writing to the “Students Affairs and Disciplinary Committee”. Students can use the channel of Mentor, Class Coordinator, and Principal in that order to discuss their problems/grievances. Students can also submit their suggestions/grievances in the Suggestion Box of the Institute.
On completion of the programme or if a student withdraws from the programme prematurely on his/her own accord, shall obtain “No-dues Certificate” from all the concerned departments. The students should also return their identity cards to the Academics Office before final clearance.
Notwithstanding anything stated in these rules, for any unforeseen issues arising and not covered by these rules, or in the event of differences of interpretation, the Principal may take a decision after obtaining the opinion/advice of the “Academic Council” and “Students Affairs and Disciplinary Committee”. The decision of the Principal in that respect shall be final.
The Institute reserves the right to add, delete, modify, or change any of the requirements for admission, course structure, fee charged, scholarships, awards, and rules & procedures affecting students, which are deemed necessary in the interest of the students, the Institute, and the profession.
Besides these rules, any rule that is promulgated or changed by the regulatory bodies such as University, PCI, AICTE, UGC, Government of Assam, and Government of India shall be applicable to the students of the Institute.